By donating to the GBUC, you help us accomplish our mission to the students of Quebec.
An official tax-deductible receipt will be issued to you at the end of February for all donations made (one-time or recurring monthly donations) the previous year. Donations made by CanadaHelps will receive their receipts directly from CanadaHelps.
If you wish to make a donation to a GBUC team member anonymously, please let us know by writing to donner@gbuc.ca: the team member will receive your donation without knowing who it comes from; you will still receive a tax receipt for this donation.
Thank you very much for your support !!!
There are four ways to donate to the GBUC. Choose the one that suits you best:
1) By Interac Transfer
Send your donation from your bank's website to our email address donner@gbuc.ca
Then send an email to donner@gbuc.ca with the answer to the security question (if your transfer wasn't automatically cleared) and the destination of your donation (Team member / Specific project or the work in general).
There is no cost to the GBUC nor to the donor with this method (however, check with your bank if this is really the case).
2) By Cheque
Make your cheque payable to "GBUC" and send it to GBUC, CP 49574 du-Musée, Montreal (QC) H3T 2A5 Canada
Donation coupons with reply envelopes are available upon request from our office.
3) By Monthly Pre-authorized Withdrawals
Send a copy of a specimen cheque by email to donner@gbuc.ca indicating the monthly amount of your donation as well as the destination of your donation (Team member / Specific project or the work in general).
You can also send it by mail to GBUC, CP 49574 du-Musée, Montreal (QC) H3T 2A5 Canada
This amount will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 15th of each month.
4) By Credit Card / PayPal
Via CanadaHelps
For your information, and for large donations, remember that CanadaHelps charges 3.5 to 4.0% in administrative fees.